Thursday, October 29, 2009

Knit hat stabs you in the head if you don't smile

This on is almost too bizarre...


via Boing Boing by Lisa Katayama on 10/29/09

Interactive designer Lauren McCarthy used Arduino to make a wooly torture device hat that she calls the Happiness Hat — it has sensors that detect when you're smiling — when you're not smiling, it sticks a metal spike into your head. Here's a short description from her web site:
An enclosed bend sensor attaches to the cheek and measures smile size, a servo motor moves a metal spike into the head inversely proportional to the degree of smile. Through repeated use of this conditioning device you can train your brain to smile all the time.
Happiness Hat web page via Core77


Posted via email from Robert Alan Anderson

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hangin with a family of Brazilian Raccoons in the Yucatan

Posted via email from robertalan's posterous


Binny's Beverage Depot to buy rival liquor retailer Sam's Wines and Spirits

By Sandra M. Jones
Tribune reporter

October 9 2009

What had been shaping up as a battle between two Chicago family-owned liquor chains came to a quiet end Thursday when Binny's Beverage Depot agreed to buy rival liquor retailer Sam's Wines and Spirits for an undisclosed sum, the Chicago Tribune has learned.

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,6774577.story

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is testing out Posterous.

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